All about the treatment of papilloma

In this article, you will learn about the treatment of papilloma at home. Papillomas (warts) are benign tumor-like structures of the skin, the mucous membrane of the viral etiology.Condylomas- a type of warts in which the growth is located in the genital area. From this article, you will learn:

  • due to papilloma;
  • What is human papillomavirus;
  • how to treat a disease in men and women;
  • how papillomas are treated at home.

due to presence

Warts are caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. It occurs during sexual intercourse, a baby's passage through an infected mother's genital tract during childbirth.


Possible home route of transmission. Virus is resistant to adverse environmental factors, it can persist on infected people's washcloths, towels, clothes. When another person uses such items, the microorganism can easilyIt also penetrates through minor damage to the skin.

Sometimes self-infection occurs when viral particles are transferred from one part of the body to another (for example, when shaving, waxing).

Papillomavirus has more than 100 strains (types), a person can be infected with many people simultaneously.

Localization, the presence of warts, the likelihood of developing a malignant process depends on the type of HPV.

Viruses can remain asymptomatic in the body after infection for many years. Papillomas on the skin, mucous membranes grow against the background:

  • decreased immune defense;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • extension of chronic diseases;
  • psycho-emotional stress;
  • hormonal changes (eg, during menopause, during pregnancy);
  • Unhealthy diet, which includes high intake of carbohydrates, fatty, fried foods.

treatment of papilloma with folk remedies

The most effective alternative medicine contains herbal ingredients. Papillomas with alternative methods can only be treated after consulting a doctor, they can be excluded from the malignant nature of development. They do not cause disappearance, they are only intended to eliminate external manifestations of infection.

Papillomas on the neck and other parts of the body cannot be torn, cut with a thread. Injuries, activating them with any formulations without the supervision of a doctor lead to the development of an oncological process. You cannot apply such fund to eyelids, mucous membranes to avoid the occurrence of burns.

Treatment of papilloma with psyllidine

Fresh leaves, juice squeezed from them, infusion of pharmacy-bought plant is used at home. Before starting papilloma treatment, you need to steam the area on which it is located, fatty cream andLubricate the skin around the neoplasm with oil.

The wart is smoothed with the sap of the plant, the process is repeated every 2 days for a week, after this time, the growth should disappear.

An infusion of celandine is used with olive oil. For its preparation, during the flowering period the herb is collected, cut into small pieces, and poured with oil in equal proportions. The remedy is stressed for a month, they are lubricated with a growth of the skin 4-5 times a day, until the warts are ruled out.

The dry herb of thalin is mixed in equal proportions with thuja shoots, potato sprouts, alcohol. Stress is stressed for 2 weeks, papillomas are infused with it once a day.

other recipes using plants

If there are papillomas on the neck, then other areas of the skin, tea tree, lemon, licorice oil are applied to their surface once a day for 2 weeks. A longitudinally cut aloe leaf ever-Never cling to the neoplasm with plaster for 4 hours. Instead of aloe, you can use starch, this plant is kept on the wart surface for 8-10 hours. It is repeated.

Dandelion tincture for papilloma treatment

When warts appear, sometimes a meaty composition consisting of mashed garlic, flour or cream is applied to them for 3 hours. The product is washed with water, the skin is soaped. Is washed.

To make a dandelion tincture, plant flowers are poured into a jar, poured with alcohol, and waited for 14 days.

dandelion remedy is used to lubricate skin growth 4-6 times a day.

Castor oil can be applied to the surface of papilloma twice a day. After lubricating the warts, they are sealed with a plaster. Manipulated for 3–6 days.

For the treatment of papilloma in both men and women, the decoction of horsetail, nettle, lemon balm, dandelion root is used internally. Dry plants are mixed in equal parts, the full collection is three large spoonfuls. Take spoons, brew them with a liter of boiling water. The agent is taken before each meal for 10 days.

non-plant folk methods

Some people smear the affected areas with cotton swab dipped in ammonia.

2. A mixture is also prepared from 5 grams of acetic acid salicylic ester, the same amount of iodine, 2 grams of boric acid, 100 mL of alcohol. The composition is applied to warts 2-3 times a day.

treating warts and papillomas with medicines at home

Medications can be prescribed by a doctor after a doctor has confirmed to have HPV. Drug therapy helps to increase immunity, reduce viral activity in the body. The purpose of the action of some pharmacy products is skin. Structures have to be removed.

antiviral, immunomodulating drugs

To fight HPV, doctors prescribe pills, capsules, injections of drugs that suppress the multiplication of microorganisms in the tissue. Used at home:

  • specific antiviral agent.
  • inductors(stimulant) of interferon synthesis.
  • Interferon-containing products.
  • non-specific immunomodulator.

If human papillomavirus is detected in women and there are condylomas, then vaginal suppositories are used.

Local preparation with which papilloma can be removed

Treatment with these means at home is done only after examination by a doctor, except for a fatal procedure in the wart area.

Preparation should not fall on healthy areas of skin, mucous membranes, otherwise irritation and scars may occur.

Activating drugs when applied to papillomas on the neck in other parts of the body in the body,necrosis of cells(death) due to the presence of active chemical components in the compositionCauses. They are used to lubricate warts with a special applicator, a thin wooden rod, the frequency of the manipulator depends on the size of the growth.

An antiseptic preparation containing silver nitrate, when it is applied topically, has a necrotizing effect on the tissues. It is used on various parts of the body except the face, mucous membrane. It should be kept that it does not eliminate, for example, the cause of papilloma under the armpit, and its treatment is intended to eliminate the external manifestations of pathology.

In the presence of flat, common warts, including feet and toes, a product, propane, dimethyl ether, is enclosed in a metal bottle.

When liquefied gases exit the container, they create a temperature of -57 ° C, when applied locally to the skin, the tissue is frozen.

The product pack includes 12 plastic disposable applicators with holders. The latter allows you to reliably restrict areas affected by healthy tissue. During the procedure, an irritation and tingling sensation is normal. 10-14 daysAfterwards, the frozen tissues are closed. If one process is not sufficient, the manipulation is repeated.

The drug should not be used if impotence is located on areas with thin skin (genitalia, eyelids, chest area). Papillomas of the neck should also not be removed on their own using this method.

Treatment of papilloma with hardware methods

Physicians may recommend treatment of warts, genital warts in specific clinics. The latter use the following methods:

  • cryodestruction;
  • chemical coagulation;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • radio wave therapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • plasma coagulation.

cryodetection- tissue freezing with liquid nitrogen. The latter is applied to a special applicator, which is applied to the papilloma. After a little, the neoplasm becomes darker, disappearing. When using this method, the depth of wart contact is extremely difficult to control; A second procedure may be required. Sometimes, scars are still left after cryoedistration.

Chemical coagulation is performed with preparations containing concentrated acids. Later causes necrosis of treated tissues. Solution is used to eliminate mango, plantar warts, genital warts.

Electrocoagulation-Tissue exposure with high frequency, resulting in irreversible coagulation of proteins. It is a traditional technique to remove neoplasm on the body, greatly reducing the risk of infection, bleeding. is.

A special device is used for radio wave therapy. The effect on affected areas is minimal, the likelihood of bleeding is minimal. In women, treatment is done in this way if condylomas occur.

With the help of theCarry out laser therapy

mechanism, the electric current is converted into radio waves that dissect soft tissue in various parts of the body.

During laser therapy, the neoplasm evaporates under the influence of a laser beam. This method is used in the treatment of papillomas on any part of the body, including the presence of genital warts. Bleeding after the procedure. Does not occur, laser beams destroy microorganisms in their area of ​​application, the treated area is not infected.

Scars are extremely rare after laser therapy.

Surgical treatment is performed if a woman has endocrine papillomas of the breast, which is an early condition. Sectoral laser is performed - removal of a portion of the breast with altered ducts.

When treating papillomas at home, folk methods are used, medications are used. In particular clinics, neoplasm is removed using hardware methods. Before treating the warts, the doctorIt is necessary to consult, must undergo a recommended examination.